Media Monday: Movie time 🍿

As a communications girl, and just an avid entertainment lover, I find myself always looking for new media to consume. Two years ago, it was thriller movies. (This love might have stemmed from the they-who-shall-not-be-named pandemic that hit us in 2020.) I became OBSESSED with finding new thrillers with unexpected plot twists. I even remember me, my brother, and my boyfriend going on like a two week long Jake Gyllenhaal marathon during his thriller moment. But deep down inside, I love a good girly drama movie. You know the ones I’m talking about. Those good ol’ white backdrop, main character in the middle movie poster type of movies.

I’m always looking for a new movie to watch, especially after a long work day, or week—even.

Given my newly acquired knowledge of good thriller movies, and my natural attraction to girly-type-dramas, I decided to share with you all my list of MUST-SEE thrillers AND dramas, along with my rating of each of them, separated by category, but in no particular order.

Have any movies you recommend? Drop them in the comments!


From “what if?” to “even if…”


Comparison, the thief of joy.