#CupidChronicles: When you know, you know. šŸ«€

Lets talk about love. šŸ’—

Happy Valentineā€™s Day, twenty-somethings! Today, amidst the celebration of love, I want to talk about a topic that's been on my mind lately - love in its romantic form. I know Iā€™ve been super focused on self-love this month, only because itā€™s so important to have, but today I felt that itā€™s only right to talk about romantic love, and what better way to do that than by sharing a love story?

It was 2014 when I met my best friend. He was outgoing, and at the time, I think I was kind of outgoing too. Back then, everyoneā€™s main social channel was Twitter, so one day, being the outgoing person he was, he decided to just jump into a conversation I was having with some friends on Twitter and from there, our (platonic) connection was almost instant. Our personalities just lined up so well, and we had the same sense of humor. I like to think that we were just destined to be best friends.

Moving forward a bit, we continued our friendship through college, where our connection grew deeper. In college, we essentially grew up together. We experienced so many new things with each other, from new boyfriends/girlfriends, to sharing a friend group, to (almost) failing classes together, to our first cars, and a bunch of other twenty-something stuff. But what really stood out as a transformative point in our friendship for me was the way he was there for me during my heartbreaks.

As a twenty-something year-old girl, please believe me when I say I experienced my fair share of heartbreaksā€”as most of us have. But for me, maybe, because Iā€™m a cancer, I REALLY went through it. I didnā€™t feel like going out to parties, I didnā€™t want to hang with friends, I really just wanted to sit and sulk. And with my best friend, I justā€¦ could. I could sit and be sad whenever I wanted to, and he would just sit right beside me. When I was really sad, he could always tell, and he would take me to go get ice cream, and weā€™d just talk and eat ice cream together. This was a different level of friendshipā€”one I never had. He was my true best friend.

I had never had anyone treat me like this, even the guys in the relationships that left me so ā€œheartbroken.ā€ I really felt special with him. And thatā€™s when it hit meā€¦I realized I had a crush on my best friend.

Yes, I know. I too hate the ā€œbest friends-to-loversā€ trope, because it really does take a long time to come to fruition, and yesā€” it really is that awkward in real life when one of you makes the first move.

Itā€™s funny because once we started dating, everyone was like, ā€œWe always knew you guys would get together,ā€ and itā€™s like, how did yā€™all know when we didnā€™t even know?

Anyways, here we are ten years later and I wouldnā€™t change a thing about our story.

I wanted to share it with you because I know how hard it can be to recognize when youā€™ve met the right person, but during my long journey with my bestfriend-turned-lover, Iā€™ve picked up some tips that I hope can help you when youā€™re deciding whether or not youā€™re with ā€œthe right oneā€:

  • The right one will never make you feel less than beautiful, even on days when you donā€™t feel beautiful.

  • The right one will never make you feel like youā€™re asking for too much.

  • The right one will never make you question if you can tell them something.

  • The right one will never judge you for your mistakes.

  • The right one will never stop trying to get you, even when they have you.

  • The right one will notice small things about you, even ones that you donā€™t notice yourself. Theyā€™ll also remember things about you.

  • The right one will help you achieve your goals and your dreams, and will support you during every step of the way.

  • The right one will tell you when youā€™re wrong about something, and will never have you looking stupid.

  • The right one will never let anyone disrespect you.

  • The right one will let you be yourself, and wonā€™t judge your weird habits.

  • The right one will have boundaries, and will respect your boundaries.

  • The right one will treat the ones they love with respect, and will not let you disrespect the ones they love.

  • The right one will be there for you when youā€™re sad, and if you donā€™t want to talk, theyā€™ll be there for you, in silence.

  • The right one will be happy for you when youā€™re happy, and will support you when youā€™re successful.

  • The right one will listen to you, and when you have an issue with them, theyā€™ll work to fix it.

  • The right one will communicate with you effectively.

  • The right one will allow you to let your guard down.

  • The right one will share your main values with you.

  • The right one will have easy flowing conversations with you.

  • The right one can communicate with you without even talking. Youā€™ll pick up on each otherā€™s body languages.

  • The right one will be okay with doing nothing with you.

  • Lastly, the right one isnā€™t afraid to talk about you, or take you out, or show you off.

I hope these tips help you all realize when youā€™ve met the right one. I know I have! Happy Valentineā€™s Day, lovers!


Mia, the twenty something ā™”

Song of the day šŸŽµ


If youā€™re reading thisā€¦ Itā€™s time to trust Godā€™s timing.